St. Peter's Church will close early this afternoon, Wednesday, March 27th. There will be no 7:00 PM Mass this evening.
Please join us at one of our Masses or special services the remainder of the week. This includes:
• Tenebrae at 8:00 AM daily on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. Please note there will be no morning Masses these days.
• Holy Thursday Mass at 7:00 PM, followed by Adoration at the Altar of Repose until midnight.
• Confessions from 12:00 - 2:00 PM on Good Friday. Please note that Confessions will not be otherwise heard from Maundy Thursday through Easter.
• Good Friday Services at 3:00 PM, as well as at 5:00 PM with the Divine Mercy Novena.
• Blessing of Easter Baskets on Holy Saturday at Noon.