Join us on Friday, February 2nd, to close the Christmas Season with the traditional feast of Candlemas.
Commemorating the purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Candlemas, also known as The Presentation of Our Lord, gets its name from the blessing of candles commemorating the Light of the World coming into the Temple.
6:15 AM - Latin | 8:00 AM - English | 6:00 PM - Spanish | 7:30 PM - Latin
There will be a simple blessing of candles at the 6:15 AM, 8:00 AM, and 6:00 PM Masses, with the Solemn Blessing happening at the 7:30 Mass.
You are welcome to bring candles from home to be blessed. We will also have 12” beeswax tapers available for a $2.00 donation. Candles may be dropped off in the Church on Thursday and must be picked up no later than Friday morning.
Please note - as February 2nd is the First Friday of the month, join us throughout the day for Adoration. Beginning following the 8:00 AM Mass, and concluding at 5:45 PM, prior to the start of the 6:00 PM Mass.
*The Mass according to the liturgical books of 1962