St. Peter’s is proud to announce that 21 students from our parish made their First Communions last Saturday, and received for the first time the most Holy Eucharist. Please join us in offering your warmest congratulations to each of these children, and please be sure to also keep them in your prayers as they grow in their faith.
Congratulations to…
Andrew Borcz, Titus Brune, Matteo DeRose, Natalia Esparza, James Greca, Margaret Hennessey, Phoebe Hidalgo, Tobias Macior, Benedict Magas, Charles Marion, Genevieve Marsh, Adrianna Marshall,
Elianna Marshall, Isaac McDonald, Leo Miller, Mary Phelan, Georgia Schaper,
Felicity Schulz, Mariana Smith, Benedict Wedoff, and Gregory White