Holy Hour, Thursday, February 27th at 7:00 PM
The St. Anne Sodality is a group of women who meet together at St. Peter's for a Holy Hour, where the Rosary or Divine Mercy Chaplet is recited, confessions are offered, and quiet time is spent with Our Lord.
Members also meet a few times per year to discuss activities and programs that St. Anne's sponsors such as the Advent and Lenten Retreats, the Paczki Sale, Bake Sales, and more. The women also look for other ways to get involved in supporting the parish, through assisting with parishwide events, baking items for receptions, and more.
The St. Anne Holy Hour typically begins at 7:00 PM on the 4th Thursday of each month. All women and young ladies of the parish are welcome and encouraged to attend. Time for fellowship often follows the Holy Hour.
To contact the Saint Anne Sodality please email sodality@stpetervolo.org. To join the Sodality and be added to their email list please fill out the form below.