The St. Peter's John Paul II Teen Group is organized and overseen by our very own Dcn. Kevin Menard, SJC. Typically held once a month, the monthly Teen Night is open to all teens of the Parish.
Join us for an evening of fun and prayer! This month, we will be having our annual anonymous Q&A night. Teens will have the opportunity to write and submit any questions they have about the Catholic Church, teachings, or even just life in general. Deacon Kevin, Brother Marko, and others will then answer these questions to the best of their abilities in an attempt to help us grow together in our faith and community! Then, we will head over to adoration and spend some time with Our Lord in the Eucharist. Please remember to bring $5 for food and sign up if you are able to come so that we know how much food to order! See you there!
Following dinner and activity we will end the night with adoration, compline, and benediction. We hope to see you there!
5:30 PM - Arrive
6:30 PM - Pizza
7:30 PM - Talk
8:00 PM - Adoration ending with Compline and Benediction!
9:00 PM - Depart
Be sure to fill out the FORM HERE so that you will always be in the know on events, gatherings, and other teen happenings throughout the year. This will also help us to know how many teens are participating in order to plan for our monthly Teen Nights!
“Young people, do not be afraid to be holy! Fly high among those whose goals are worthy of sons and daughters of God. Glorify God in your lives!”
~Pope Saint John Paul II
The mission of JPII Teen Group is to guide the youth of Saint Peter’s as they grow in relationship with God and with each other. Under the patronage of St. Pope John Paul II, we will be striving to foster a deeper love for our Catholic Faith, while focusing primarily on entering into a deeper union with Jesus Christ. We will meet on the third Thursday of every month (unless otherwise stated) for a night of building friendship and prayer, something we strive to achieve through games, talks, discussions, and adoration.